Does Airsoft Hurt?
Does Airsoft Hurt?

Does Airsoft Hurt?

Airsoft is a sport that uses replica firearms to shoot plastic pellets at other players. The sport can be enjoyed by people of all ages, and it is relatively safe. While there is always a risk of being injured while playing any sport, airsoft is generally considered to be a low-impact activity.

That said, airsoft can still cause some pain if you are hit with a pellet. If you are hit in the head or face, it can cause a concussion or other injury. If you are hit in the eye, it can cause temporary blindness. And if you are hit in a sensitive area, it can cause bruising or other damage.

So, how much does airsoft hurt? It depends on where you are hit and how hard you are hit. If you are hit with a pellet travelling at high speed, it will hurt more than if you are hit with a pellet travelling at low speed. And if you are hit in a sensitive area, it will hurt more than if you are hit in a less sensitive area.

In general, though, airsoft does not hurt nearly as much as some other sports. Paintball, for example, is much more likely to cause bruising and other injuries. So, if you are looking for a safe and enjoyable sport to play, airsoft is a great option.

Airsoft FPS Pain Scale

How much does airsoft hurt? It really depends on where you are hit, and how hard you are hit. But to give you an idea, here is a pain scale for different FPS (feet per second) ratings:

  • Up to 150 FPS: You will feel a stinging sensation when hit. This is generally considered to be the safe limit for indoor play.
  • 150 to 200 FPS: You will feel a more pronounced stinging sensation when hit. This is the upper limit for most indoor fields.
  • 200 to 350 FPS: You will feel a sharp pain when hit. This is the upper limit for outdoor fields.
  • 350+ FPS: You will feel severe pain when hit. This is not safe for indoor or outdoor play.

So, as you can see, the higher the FPS rating of your airsoft gun, the more it will hurt when you are hit. If you are playing at an outdoor field and your gun is shooting at 350+ FPS, be sure to wear adequate protection. And if you are playing indoors, make sure your gun is shooting at 150 FPS or less.